Deca®- Durabolin 300mg/10ml vial
Nandrolone Decanoate is also known as the “King of Bulk”. Anyone looking to put some serious muscle weight in a short period should not ever overlook this compound. It is the most widely used anabolic steroid in the market today. This is mainly due to the high anabolic to androgenic ratio and its mild estrogenic side effects. Though it has a strong anabolic property like testosterone, its capacity to build tissue is accompanied by weak androgenic properties. Its mild properties, however, have made it one of the most popular steroids for sale worldwide. The average user gains about 10 to 20 pounds of muscle weight while on Deca. Side effects that may occur include increased water weight, acne, and other androgenic effects.
Nandrolone Decanoate is administered intramuscularly. Consult your physician for your proper dosage. Do not flush this drug down the toilet or pour them down the drain unless instructed. Observe proper handling of the product when discarding.
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